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14 件のコメント

  • 日向灘の地震が気になります、モーシン先生も充分気をつけて下さいませ

  • ビットコインを人の一生に例えるなら、まだ保育園程度なんだよ。





  • なんか、ライトコインに注目させといて、ビットコインに関しては良い報道が無いのが気になる?


  • okay, so i’ve been hearing about vibrations of manifestation by alex lane from a few friends lately, and i wasn’t sure what to think at first. but the more i listened, the more i realized that it wasn’t just another self-help book about thinking happy thoughts. it’s more about understanding how your energy and intentions can actually shape your experience. the people i know who read it started making real shifts – one friend found a job they thought was out of reach, another reconnected with an old passion. it’s not all about “positive thinking” in a cliché way, it’s about aligning with the things you truly want. if you’re feeling stuck or disconnected, it might help you find that missing piece. i don’t know if it works for everyone, but a lot of people around me have definitely started living with more intention after reading it.

  • so i was talking to a few friends the other day, and a lot of them mentioned they read this book called vibrations of manifestation by alex lane. at first, i wasn’t sure what to think about it. i mean, who hasn’t heard the buzzwords around manifestation and energy, right? but something shifted when i saw how differently they were showing up in their lives. one of them started attracting opportunities they’d been waiting on for years, and another found the courage to start their own business. honestly, it’s like they were more in tune with what they really wanted and just started pulling those things into their lives. it’s subtle but real. i’m not saying it’s magic, but there’s definitely something to how your mindset can shift after reading it. if you’re trying to change the energy around you, maybe give it a try. not that it’s for everyone, but it really resonated with them.

  • funny story, i was always a little skeptical about all these books on manifestation until a friend kept bringing up vibrations of manifestation by alex lane. at first, i thought it was just another one of those books where people say “think positive and everything will fall into place,” but the more i heard about it, the more intrigued i got. it wasn’t just about wishful thinking; it was about understanding the energy you’re putting out and how that shapes your reality. a lot of people i know who read it seem to have found a new kind of focus, and they’re attracting opportunities and relationships they’ve been hoping for. not saying it works like a magic trick, but there’s something about it that really clicked for them. maybe it’ll click for you too.

  • so here’s a crazy thought – have you ever noticed how some people just seem to have a magnetic energy about them, like they attract good things without even trying? i asked a few friends what changed, and almost all of them mentioned reading vibrations of manifestation by alex lane. at first, i thought they were just being dramatic, but after seeing how they’ve been changing the way they approach life, i’m starting to get it. it’s not about wishing for things to happen; it’s about aligning your energy with what you really want and trusting that things will follow. these friends of mine are more grounded, more confident, and honestly, they seem to be attracting the right people and opportunities into their lives. i’m not saying it’s the solution to everything, but if you’ve ever felt disconnected or like things aren’t flowing the way you want, it could be worth a shot. you might just start attracting the right things into your life too.

  • 1500万てことは、300万の時に100万買ってたとしても500万。税引きで250万か、、、

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